Bleeding from the bottom or anus (known as rectal bleeding) is a very common symptom. The vast majority of conditions that lead to rectal bleeding are entirely benign and without concern. However, on occasions, rectal bleeding may herald a more sinister condition of the colon or bowel. Issues such as the nature of the blood (bright red, clots, dark blood or blood mixed in with the stool) age of the patient and associated symptoms such as a change in the pattern of opening your bowels may help distinguish benign or unworrying bleeding from a more sinister cause.
In either case, it would certainly be worth reporting such a symptom to your GP and our surgeons would be very happy to see you make a diagnosis and offer advice. Often the surgeons can perform simple investigations in the office which can provide a definitive diagnosis there and then. Sometimes the test may be organised elsewhere at the London clinic such as endoscopy or x-rays and the surgeon will review the results of those tests with you to help with diagnosis and treatment.