Medico legal experience
I am the senior colorectal surgeon and have a wealth of clinical experience over 25 years of specialist colorectal practice in three different consultant positions. I am an active researcher with over 150 peer reviewed articles, book chapters and books. I am dedicated surgical educator at undergraduate and post graduate level and have run and continue to run many local, national and international meetings and workshops.
Within the hospital
As a senior clinician and surgeon, I am part of the clinical governance structure and lead clinician for surgical morbidity and mortality reporting. I chair the Monthly Morbidity and Mortality review board. I am often asked to assist the complaints and legal team at Princess Grace Hospital in looking at serious untoward incidents to decide how to respond. I have also been asked to assist the trusts lawyers in responding to issues of litigation against the trust.
Medico Legal Practice
- Professional Solutions: Expert witness training: Writing expert reports (Intro) 2010
- Professional Solutions; Expert witness training: Writing expert reports (Advanced) 2015
- Specialist Info: Courtroom Skills Course: 2020
Current experience
For the most part this has been related to clinical negligence and expert witness reports. These are typically in the matter of causation and liability but also condition and prognosis. I am currently in a position to see patients for face to face and remote appointments. I can usually arrange an appointment within a week to ten days.
I have been doing medical reports from 2005 and have increased my involvement over the years. I now have a busy practice and am doing in the region of 30 to 50 reports per year. My defendant vs claimant split lies approximately 40%:60%. I have attended numerous meetings with counsel and expert witness ‘joint statement’ meetings and have had the opportunity to evidence in the Coroner’s court.
I am happy to receive instruction or enquiries through the contact page on this website.